Sunday, November 6, 2022

HTM PA Meeting Notes October 11, 2022

 1. BTSN Update- repeat taco truck?

2. Day of Awesomeness Fundraiser- update/committee

3. Annual Calendar/Board members/meeting times?

a. President- Dana Gabriel (shadow??)

b. Treasurer- Dana Gabriel (transition to Kara Hobson)

c. Fundraising- committees that the Board oversees

d. School Support- oversee events that happen

e. Communication- Edward Wilensky/Renee Branski

f. Secretary/Parliamentarian- Veronica Johnson

4. Committees

a. Social Support

 Back to School Night

 Exhibitions

 Teacher Appreciation/Holiday Cookies/Fall Lunch

 Testing Treats

b. Communications

 Email

 Social Media

 Website

c. 8 th Grade Committee/Grade Level?/ Teacher Liaise?

d. Logo wear

e. Fundraising

i. Events- International Day?

ii. Sponsors

iii. Project Give

iv. Grants- San Diego Foundation

v. Amazon Smile/GivesBack/Others

5. Finance Report/Fundraising Goals and Wants

6. Miscellaneous- Bagel Pick up/PA Collaboration/Parent Education

MINUTES for HTM PA Meeting

October 11, 2022

9:00 am

1. BTSN taco truck was super success, made $450 profit, anything over $300 is a good


2. Up to date have raised $20,000, which is the annual goal for PA. Will celebrate on Nov. 9 th

from 10-11 am. We will need parent supervision for the event.

3. Bylaws state that we need to fill 6 positions to have an active PA. We sent out a google doc

to recruit for November and December events. We will need an exhibition committee and

some fundraising for that event. The exhibition will be on Dec. 14 th , more information to


4. We are also looking to form various committees that will help support the PA and school in

various ways. We have a google spreadsheet that has been shared. Please sign up if you are


5. Fundraising- viewed monthly reports on excel spreadsheet. Taco Sale brought in $450,

Donations $67, Logo Wear $415. There was discussion around new Logo wear and involving

the students to be a part of this process. The team also discussed using money to support

the 8 th grade trip, amount that needs to be in reserves by law, the unrestricted funds for

operations, and using money to gift teachers via proposals. The board also discussed

funding a Day of Skating for students as they did last year. Sponsors usually make up $5,000

of the budget, currently it is only $1,500.

6. There was discussion around starting an Einstein Bagels pick up rotation. Signups will be

sent out and the PA will bring to the school for students and staff. There was also discussion

about having Yoga for parents and/or teachers. We need an 8 th grade committee to help

with the transition into high school. The president also shared that there is a PA

Collaboration, Booster Club, that will send out weekly emails and messages to support

fundraising specifically for sports.